

Failure to pay the withholding tax: The liability of the substitute ...

04 Jun 2019

The United Sections of the Corte di  Cassazione,  with the sentence of 12 April 2019 n. 10378, changing the prevailing orientation, in the ...

The SS.UU. on the nature of the invalidity of contracts concerning ...

27 May 2019

The Corte di Cassazione, with sentence 22 march 2019, n. 8230, resolved the contrast existing in jurisprudence on the nature of the nullity of ...

Clarifications on the c.d. "effectiveness" of mandatory mediation and ...

21 May 2019

The Supreme Corte di Cassazione, with the sentence n. 8473/2019, ruled about the mediation attempt envisaged, under penalty of inadmissibility of the ...

Corte Costituzionale: the service performed by PEC after 9 pm is ...

03 May 2019

The Corte Costituzionale, with sentence of 04.09.2019 n. 75, declared the constitutional illegitimacy of art. 16-septies of legislative decree ...

Revirement of the SS.UU. on the lack of attestation of conformity of ...

10 Apr 2019

“The lodging at the Registry, within twenty days of the last notification, of an analogical copy of the contested decision prepared in original ...

Real estate tax and real estate rent: who pays between the lessor and ...

02 Apr 2019

The United Sections of the Corte di Cassazione, with the recent sentence n. 6882 of 08/03/2019, stated that the clause included in a lease agreement ...

Cassazione "judge of the procedural fact": indispensable the precise ...

25 Mar 2019

In the pronouncement to the United Sections of 26st February 2019, n. 5640, relating to a question of jurisdiction, the Supreme Corte di Cassazione ...

The pedestrian who crosses the street without using the crosswalk is ...

11 Mar 2019

The Corte di Cassazione, with the recent sentence n. 2241 of 28.01.2019 decided about civil responsibility in  road accidents in case of ...

The judicial liquidation of the lawyer’s fees, himself defender, ...

20 Feb 2019

With the recent sentence n. 1518 of 21.01.2019, the VI Civil Section of the Corte di Cassazione affirmed that the party of a process that has the ...