La Corte di Cassazione, in accoglimento ad una tesi sostenuta in giudizio patrocinato dal nostro Studio, esprime un principio innovativo in tema di ...
Interessante sentenza della Cassazione sull’Anatocismo Bancario. In breve: un correntista che vuole farsi restituire i soldi versati a ...
COVID-19 (the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus) represents a general biological risk, for which a set of preventive measures must be ...
The Corte di Cassazione, with the sentence of 05.15.2010, n. 13000, has ruled on the legal status of the born, conceived by medically assisted ...
The United Sections of the Corte di Cassazione, with the sentence of 12 April 2019 n. 10378, changing the prevailing orientation, in the ...
The Corte di Cassazione, with sentence 22 march 2019, n. 8230, resolved the contrast existing in jurisprudence on the nature of the nullity of ...
The Supreme Corte di Cassazione, with the sentence n. 8473/2019, ruled about the mediation attempt envisaged, under penalty of inadmissibility of the ...
The Corte Costituzionale, with sentence of 04.09.2019 n. 75, declared the constitutional illegitimacy of art. 16-septies of legislative decree ...
“The lodging at the Registry, within twenty days of the last notification, of an analogical copy of the contested decision prepared in original ...