The United Sections of the Corte di Cassazione, with the recent sentence n. 6882 of 08/03/2019, stated that the clause included in a lease agreement ...
In the pronouncement to the United Sections of 26st February 2019, n. 5640, relating to a question of jurisdiction, the Supreme Corte di Cassazione ...
The Corte di Cassazione, with the recent sentence n. 2241 of 28.01.2019 decided about civil responsibility in road accidents in case of ...
With the recent sentence n. 1518 of 21.01.2019, the VI Civil Section of the Corte di Cassazione affirmed that the party of a process that has the ...
The Corte di Cassazione, with the recent ordinance n. 2997/2019, said that in the event of failure to sign the general conditions of the contract, ...
The Corte di Cassazione, with ordinance no. 1882 of the 23th January 2019, intervenes on the relationship between ecclesiastical sentence of nullity ...
The “Consiglio di Stato”, with sentence n. 7026 of December 12th, 2018 overturned the consolidated legal orientation according to which, ...
Given the introduction of the digital home (with D.L. 90/2014, art.52), that each lawyer must communicate to the AOC of belonging, and also the start ...
The Corte di Cassazione, with the recent sentence n. 28926/2018, established that the nullity of the dismissal due to marriage, provided for by art. ...