Social commitment

Scholarship / Social Commitment / Charitable Activities

The Firm offers scholarships to deserving students to cover the annual tuition fees of LLM programs.

This year it has contributed to the LLM in Law of Internet Technology at Bocconi University.

The Firm's individual professionals are involved in the community with various charitable activities in favour of foundations and non-profit associations, including the Order of Malta, Unitalsi, and the NEMO SUD Clinical Centre for the fight against muscular dystrophy.

Also this year, on the occasion of Christmas, Carrozza law firm has chosen Save the Children's solidarity gifts to support projects for children around the world.

Pro Bono Activities / Scholarship

Since its foundation, the Firm has been engaged in pro bono legal aid activities in favour of disadvantaged persons or deserving entities unable to bear the costs of legal aid to protect their rights.

The firm, which has always been sensitive to the lawyer’s social function, dedicates part of its resources to a select number of cases of particular social importance (violation of human rights, poverty and social marginalization, etc) and currently assists pro bono the Salambò association (an association for the enhancement of the relationship between African and European cultures of which Carlo Carrozza is co-founder) and The Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund, a foundation dedicated to the protection of the natural beauty of the Aeolian Islands and the promotion of sustainable tourism.

Access to pro bono assistance takes place only after a careful examination of the specific case and following the eventual authorization of the Bar Association to which the professional who will be providing his/her services belongs.