

The service of the appeal is not equivalent to the service of the ...

18 Dec 2018

The VI Civil Section of the Corte di Cassazione, with the recent Sentence’s December 4th, 2018, n. 31251, stated that, in the absence of the ...

Conditions and operation of the Compensatio lucri cum damno in recent ...

13 Dec 2018

The decisions of SS.UU. of Corte di Cassazione n. 1265/18, 1266/18 and 1267/18 state about the application and presuppositions of Compensatio lucri ...

The death of the spouse debtor, in the event of a separation or ...

10 Dec 2018

The Corte di Cassazione, sect. I civ., with the recent sentence n. 4092/2018, has ruled on the effects that the death of the spouse has on the ...

The divorce allowance after sentence of Joined Chambers of the Court ...

26 Nov 2018

  “Pursuant to L. n. 898/1979, art. 5, after the changes introduced with L. n. 74/1987, the recognition of the divorce allowance, to ...

Contractor's responsibility for significant flaws: the United ...

19 Nov 2018

The United Sections of the Supreme Court, with sentence no. 7756 of 27 March 2017, regarding the applicability of article. 1669 of the Civil Code, ...

Responsibility for damage caused by animals exceeds the limits of ...

12 Nov 2018

The Supreme Court of Cassation, sect. III civil, with the full formula: "the appeal is manifestly founded", upheld the appeal lodged at the ...

United Sections of the Supreme Court: the principle of accession ...

05 Nov 2018

The ground held in common by more than one individual, in the case in which one of the owners has constructed a building or another structure on that ...

The fine raised with a speed camera is void if the Prefect has ...

29 Oct 2018

When the administrative decree authorizes the positioning of a speed camera device along the side of a single roadway, the road owner is obliged to ...

Il “ripensamento” del coniuge nel divorzio congiunto

26 Sep 2018

Il Tribunale di Messina, con sentenza n. 1568/2018 pubblicata il 20/07/2018, ha statuito – in conformità ai principi espressi dalla ...