Law Firm

Carrozza law firm is a boutique law firm offering legal assistance, in and out of court, in all areas of civil and criminal administrative law, both in Italy and abroad. It is a dynamic international law firm with three Senior Partners and approximately 20 lawyers and associates, specialized in various fields of law.

In addition to the main office in Messina and the one in Via Etnea in Catania, Carrozza law firm is also present - in collaboration with partner offices - in Milan, Rome, New York and Shanghai, in new efficient operational headquarters, as an expression of the growing international vocation which characterizes the law firm today.

Currently, Carlo Carrozza is Legal Advisor to the European Union Association Board at the United Nations in New York and, in June 2019, Carrozza law firm was awarded the prestigious 'Le Fonti Awards' as Legal Team of the Year Boutique of Excellence in Commercial Law. In the last four years, the firm was awarded Law Firm of the Year by Il Sole 24 Ore.

Among the prestigious positions held over time by Lawyers Carrozza, we have the pleasure to mention especially those of President, Treasurer and Councillor of the Bar Association of Messina, delegate to the National Lawyers' Fund and member of Commissions at the National Lawyers' Council.

Our History

The firm was founded in Messina in 1923 by Francesco Carrozza.

Since its foundation, it has assisted both national and international clients, first under the leadership of its founder and then, from the 1970s, under the leadership of his sons, Giovanni and Pietro Carrozza.

Today, together with their father Pietro, Carlo Carrozza and Francesco Carrozza Jr lead the law firm as Senior Partners; over the years, they have helped carry on the prestigious family tradition and strengthen the firm's international vocation operating according to the principles of its founder:

• independence of the private practice while respecting the professional rules of the code of ethics and institutions
• reliability and competence
• in-depth and multidisciplinary study of judicial and extrajudicial matters 


The Founders of Carrozza law firm

Francesco Carrozza 

Born in Santa Lucia del Mela on 3rd June 1899. Founder of Carrozza law firm, scholar, writer.

Magister in utroque iure. He performed his profession with supreme excellence in all fields of law.

Excellent civil lawyer, brilliant criminal lawyer. He founded Il nuovo giornale letterario in 1917 together with Salvatore Quasimodo and Giorgio La Pira. Futurist poet, great friend of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, he took part in the drafting of the Manifesto of Futurism together with his friend Ruggero Vasari. 


Giovanni Carrozza Vasari

Born in Messina in 1931. He dedicated his professional life to criminal defence, achieving excellence both doctrinally and procedurally. A pure criminalist, a master in oration and rhetoric, he loved reading and commenting on the great harangues with his colleagues.

A free spirit, attentive psychologist of life's situations, together with his brother Pietro he ensured that Carrozza law firm became one of the best law firms in Sicily, carrying on his father's tradition of self-denial and sacrifice.

Law Firm Carrozza

International Vocation

Nowadays, Carrozza law firm is a modern law firm with a strong international vocation, mainly developed thanks to the new generation and Carlo Carrozza.

The law firm also operates outside national borders, providing its clients with rapid and integrated assistance on transnational matters through its new headquarters and partner offices located in Milan, Rome, New York, Boston and Shanghai.

Carrozza law firm's professionals assist both Italian and foreign citizens who have personal and business interests in Italy and abroad, along with Italian and foreign companies during internationalization and delocalization processes.

In particular, it assists citizens in all the personal or commercial dynamics of a transnational nature. For instance, in cases of marriages between citizens from different countries, in immigration-related issues, in cases of transnational bankruptcies, or in web-related disputes.

Moreover, with reference to companies, the law firm represents a fundamental added value in internationalization processes, providing companies with qualified informational, advisory and operational support also abroad. Today, Carrozza law firm's professionals are global business consultants, capable of accompanying companies beyond national borders and acting as trusted partners in development strategies to meet the challenges and changes that have been affecting the business world for some time now. 


The firm's international experience, by way of example, includes:

• Assistance in transnational litigation with oil companies;

• Assistance to an American university in a case concerning the opening of an office in Italy;

•  Drafting of trusts for Italian and foreign citizens;

•  Legal assistance for Italian and European investors for companies abroad (China, USA, Europe);

• Tax-planning for US citizens with interests in Italy;

• Purchase and sale of shares and investments in Italian and foreign companies or incorporations/mergers of Italian companies;

• Drafting of international contracts in a wide variety of fields;

• Assistance in foreign Foundations and International Associations or Organizations.



Again with an international perspective, Carlo Carrozza holds the role of:

- Legal Advisor to the European Union Association Board at the United Nations, New York;

- Legal Advisor to the AIIK (Italy-Kenia Industrial Association);

- Legal Advisor and member of the Technical Committee for the socio-economic development of AIIA (Italy-Angola Industrial Association);

- Legal Advisor to The Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund, London.

Francesco Carrozza deals, among other things, with the legal protection of national and foreign Foundations and the protection of the image of celebrities from the international jet set in Italy. He also specializes in the protection of the right to be forgotten and search engines and follows the innovative Legal Design.

PO FESR 2014-2020

Thanks to the contributions of Action 3.1.1_02a of the OP ERDF 2014-2020 (whose institutional website can be reached at the following link:, a new local office of the Professional Law Firm of Lawyer Carlo Carrozza has been built within the Municipality of Catania, namely in Via Etnea 183.

Specifically, through a support of euro 227,240.97, the premises were purchased, the building was renovated and furniture and equipment were purchased.

The investments were geared towards technological innovation, energy saving and inclusive management.

The realization of the project will play a decisive role in the development strategies of the professional law firm by fitting into a new dynamic context.

PO FESR 2014-2020